This is just another personal blog post for myself.

I try to live my life in a very positive way and take each day diligently. I preach positivity and boast on happiness. Sometimes, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

I have some days where my mind spins in circles and I just want it to stop. I deal with depression and anxiety everyday; I still haven’t learned to conquer it. No matter how hard I try. No, my life isn’t horrible. I am overly blessed with wonderful family and friends. I have an amazing job. In everyone’s eyes: I have it all. Do I really? Maybe I need to stop using that as an excuse. Is it just as bad if I am dealing with emotional struggles versus life/physical struggles? I tend to tell myself to remember everything that I am blessed with so I be humble and content about it. Is that just making things worst because I’m not dealing with my emotional pain and just pushing it aside? It’s an on going battle that I constantly fight day in and day out. There are nights where I still cry myself to sleep which turns into mornings where I have to push myself to get out of bed and start my day. This is why I love to write. My pursuit to happiness.


Have a good day ❤

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